Gliding aerobatic notation.


A small circle at one end of a figure indicates the maneuver starting point.

A short vertical line at the other end of the figure indicates the maneuver end point.

Horizontal segments represent level flight paths (flown left to right in this example).

Vertical segments indicate vertical flight paths.
The corners are intended to be flown as 1/4 loops, not right angles.

Segments angled 45degree, indicate flight at a degree angle from the vertical.

Dashes used to draw lines indicate inverted flight (negative G).

Circles (and portions of circles) indicate loops (and loop portions).

Short arcs (approx. 180 degree) drawn to intersect lines indicate full rolls.

Portions of arcs (approx. 90degree) drawn on one side of a line indicate portions of rolls. As drawn, the figure depicts a 1/2 roll performed in horizontal flight.

Fractional notations next to roll symbols indicate roll portions greater or smaller than 1/2. As drawn, the figure depicts a quarter roll flown on a vertical up-line.

Right triangles indicate spins.

Equilateral triangles indicate snap rolls.

Hammerhead Turn

Humpty Bump

A pilot will fly a "routine" which constitutes a sequence of approximately 10 figures. They may look like this.

or This

Life Insurance for Glider Pilots


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