Daily Inspections
What is a daily inspection?
A daily inspection is not intended as a C of A, but a check that the
glider is fit to fly. It is also a record of any work carried out and
any minor
snags or damage. All gliders should carry a DI book or log for this.
Why do we carry
out DI's
How about the following couple of reasons!
- It is a club glider
so it was left rigged in the hanger, why do we need to check again,
it was fine yesterday?
BGA Accident/Incident Report 113 and 114 During a daily inspection
cracking damage was found to the airbrake box. This and possibly additional
damage may be found after detailed inspection. Possible cause unreported
heavy landing. Both gliders are K13s damage to both found on
the same day. Was the second glider checked more thoroughly after
the first was found?
- I have been rigging
this glider for years BGA Accident/Incident Report 048 The visiting
pilot rigged his glider but did not carry out control checks, as there
was no one to assist him. (Why not at the launch point?) During the
winch launch the starboard airbrake opened. Inspection showed the
hotelier pin in position although the control rod was not connected.
The above are just a couple
of incidents that where reported, there are lots that dont. Do I
need to mention the pilot who uncomfortable on airotow reached under his
seat and found his main spar pin!
All gliders must be inspected
and positive controls checked.
How and what to check.
Cockpit Start with the DI
book usually kept in the cockpit pocket.
- Check when it was last
inspected, any comments or work carried out over the last few entries.
You can save a DI if someone has already declared glider US, awaiting
inspection for a defect or maybe find an inspector to carry out the
work and get the glider back in service.
- Check the glider C of
A has not expired. All gliders must display a valid C of A usually
found stuck to inside of cockpit coaming.
- Check all straps for security
to floor and rear, possible cuts, excess fraying and all harness connections
are locking and releasing OK.
- Check instrument panel
for broken glass, damaged instruments and loose panel locking nuts.
- Check main spar pins are
locked correctly.
- Check battery for charge
and security.
- Check floor, rear spar
area and seating for loose articles, pens, coins, drink bottle lids
all have the potential to jam a control.
- Check controls, stick,
rudder pedals, release, trimmer, brake lever and flap lever for full
and free movement.
- Check the canopy locks
and locking wire, hinges for wear and Perspex for cracks. All cracks
start off small and a hole drilled now is better than a
new canopy tomorrow.
- Fuselage - Move around
the glider systematically checking fuselage for damage, trailing and
leading edges of wings and rudder, cracks in the gel coat
especially around under carriage and airbox for heavy landing damage.
- Check inside airbox for
loose nuts etc (airbrakes can be locked open with strap around brake
- Check aileron and rudder
hinges. All locking wire or safety pins are fitted and locked.
- Check all main, nose and
tail wheel tyres for pressure (do not check in long grass, as main
wheel has a limited view and may appear correctly inflated)
- Check rudder post for
- Positive Control Checks
-Check all controls with a positive control check (you will need someone
to help with this) Check ailerons, rudder, flaps and elevator all
resist pressure and move in the correct direction, have no excessive
wear and are not maladjusted. Check that the airbrakes resist both
opening and closing pressure, have no excessive wear and are not maladjusted.
Make sure when resisting closing pressure and after inspection, that
brakes are closed carefully, not slammed shut and that fingers are
not trapped.
- Check trimmer, this will
depend on the glider type as to whether spring loaded or a trimmer
tab type, but check resistance in trimmed forward and back position.
If it is a tab type, check movement and wear.
DI finished?
Date it, note down any minor
defects found, any work done, write in your name and initial the entry
in the DI book. If you find any minor defects, report them to the office
And Finally, as an extra check Check parachute. Ripcord is secure (usually
held in harness with Velcro)
The last packed detail is usually found in flap over centre inside parachute,
check date and serviceability.
A few golden rules for
Daily Inspections
- If you are interrupted
for any reason during your DI then start from the beginning again
to ensure nothing is missed.
- Never rush a DI just because
the glider was not out and its now soarable.
- Always get help for positive
checks, they can be done at the launch point if no one is available
at the hanger or rigging area, although it is not a
good idea to wait till you are at the front of the launch queue.
- Report any heavy landings
or hanger packing incidents, its a lot easier if a problem is
known about than having to find them.
If youre not sure
ask! Nobody ever died of embarrassment.
from the Wolds gliding club |