Annual check flights
All glider pilots have to have a annual check flight with a suitably
qualified instructor. This is to ensure that they have not forgotten
how to fly!! It may seem a daunting ordeal for some, however the only
point is the safety of the pilot, the aircraft and anyone on the ground!
This year there are three new exercises!
It is important that you make any check flight worthwhile and enjoyable,
so please ensure that you work with your Instructor and have a thorough
pre flight briefing to establish what can be practiced and what can
be learnt, however the following exercises should be completed to an
acceptable standard:- (carry out further exercises if either of you
A good lookout must be maintained at all times. Turning without first
looking out is unacceptable, as is prolonged straight and level flight
without scanning.
Winch Launch:-
(main points to consider):-
- Take off in level flight - tail dragging is not acceptable.
- Gentle rotation into full climb attitude - pulling back to increase
the climbing angle above normal in an attempt to reduce speed is not acceptable.
- Maintain correct climb attitude - too steep is not acceptable.
Cable break or power failure:-
(main points to consider):-
- Good decision making as to landing area.
- Maintain target speeds after releasing, especially in wind gradients.
- Reasonably co-ordinated controls. Over controlling and misuse of the
rudder are unacceptable.
Circuit plan:-
(main points to consider):-
- Circuit takes account of wind strength and direction concluding with
diagonal and base legs, giving a minimum 300ft final turn.
- Circuit takes account of traffic density and flow.
New 2006..Out of position in the circuit:-
(main points to consider)
- Good decision making when recovering to landable area.
Good speed control relative to the situation
300ft final turn
.if possible.
(main points to consider):-
- Airbrake is not used as a "going in to land lever."
- Final part of approach should be flown with ½ to 2/3 airbrake.
- Target approach speeds maintained (relative to experience and conditions)
down to roundout height.
- Fully held off landing
flown as part of checks for solo aerotow pilots only, solo winch only
pilots may require a tow for safe height, (main points to consider):-
-Ground run on main wheel, assisting tug acceleration - wings level -
if a wing is dropping, pilot must release, a wing touching ground is unacceptable.
-Climb relative to tug - too high on tow is unacceptable.
New 2006
Signals Tug/Glider, Glider/Tug, reminders in case non-radio.
-(Remember though, if you have radio, use it in preference to signals)
New 2006 Descend 500ft on tow
-Climbing turn left after release. Stress, climb and turn for rapid separation.
Spiral Dive and Stall / Spin Awareness:-
(main points to consider):-
-HASSLL checks! Update as necessary.
-Know why and how each one starts.
-Take correct recovery action for each.
-Recover with as little height loss as possible.
Sounds a lot when listed like this, but of course all the exercises
listed above are just part of everyday flying and come naturally to
most pilots. We just need to confirm once a year that they are still
coming naturally!
If you are not yet solo aerotow, then complete the spinning exercises
from a winch launch if you gain sufficient height or you are able to
soar. Note:- Fright is not part of the check, so both you and your Instructor
can agree that you do, in fact, have sufficient height for the spinning
exercises! 1200ft min BGA regs.
Excitement! Don't forget the instructing team has developed two new
exercises, one in relation to collision avoidance, and one in relation
to cable break training. Talk to your Instructor and have a go! See
what you think.
Chris Price C.F.I.
from the Wolds gliding club